A student skipped a step when she tried to convert 15 hours to seconds, and she got the following incorrect result:

15 hours (60 seconds/1 minute) 900 seconds.

What conversion ratio did she skip in this multiple-step conversion

To convert hours to seconds, we need to use the conversion ratio of 60 minutes per hour. However, it seems the student skipped this step.

The conversion ratio that the student skipped is: 1 minute = 60 seconds.

To convert 15 hours to seconds, we need to multiply by two conversion ratios: 60 minutes per hour and 60 seconds per minute.

However, the given incorrect calculation only includes the first conversion ratio, which is multiplying by 60 seconds per minute. The student skipped the second conversion ratio, which is multiplying by 60 minutes per hour.

To correctly convert 15 hours to seconds, we can use the following steps:

1. Start with 15 hours: 15 hours
2. Multiply by the conversion ratio of 60 minutes per hour to convert hours to minutes: (15 hours) * (60 minutes/1 hour) = 900 minutes
3. Multiply by the conversion ratio of 60 seconds per minute to convert minutes to seconds: (900 minutes) * (60 seconds/1 minute) = 54,000 seconds

Therefore, the student skipped the conversion ratio of 60 minutes per hour.