Which of these would be an example of lacquerware?

(1 point)

a painted box with a protective coating

a painted box with a protective coating

a scroll covered in calligraphy

a scroll covered in calligraphy

a carefully designed garden

a carefully designed garden

a bronze sculpture

a painted box with a protective coating

The correct example of lacquerware would be the first option: a painted box with a protective coating.

An example of lacquerware would be a painted box with a protective coating. Lacquerware refers to objects that are made from wood or other materials and are coated with layers of natural or synthetic lacquer. This coating not only adds a glossy, smooth finish to the object but also serves as a protective layer. The lacquer can be painted on and decorated with various designs or patterns. So, among the given options, the first one, "a painted box with a protective coating," would be an example of lacquerware.