Which of the following effects of the French and Indian war most contributed to smuggling in the colonies?

Increased taxes from the Britsh
Enforcement of the Navigation Acts
Presence of Britsh soldiers in the colonies
Removal of the Spanish from Florida

Enforcement of the Navigation Acts

The effect of the French and Indian War that most contributed to smuggling in the colonies was the enforcement of the Navigation Acts.

To identify which effect of the French and Indian war most contributed to smuggling in the colonies, we need to analyze each option:

1. Increased taxes from the British: The increased taxes imposed by the British after the war, such as the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act, did contribute to tension and unrest among the colonists. However, it did not directly contribute to smuggling.

2. Enforcement of the Navigation Acts: The Navigation Acts were laws enacted by the British government aiming to control colonial trade. These acts restricted colonial trade to go through British ports only and increased regulations on goods. The stricter enforcement of the Navigation Acts after the French and Indian war indeed contributed significantly to smuggling in the colonies. Smuggling became a way for the colonists to bypass these restrictions and trade with other nations.

3. Presence of British soldiers in the colonies: While the presence of British soldiers in the colonies after the war did create tension and resentment among the colonists, it did not directly contribute to smuggling. The soldiers were primarily there to maintain order and protect British interests.

4. Removal of the Spanish from Florida: The removal of the Spanish from Florida did not have a direct impact on smuggling in the colonies. It may have indirectly affected trade routes and relationships with neighboring colonies, but it did not contribute significantly to smuggling.

Based on the analysis, the most significant effect of the French and Indian war that contributed to smuggling in the colonies was the enforcement of the Navigation Acts.