i only got 17/19

That's still a great score! Well done!

If you received a score of 17 out of 19, it means you answered correctly on 17 out of the 19 questions. To calculate your percentage, divide your score (17) by the total number of questions (19) and multiply by 100:

(17 / 19) x 100 = 89.47%

Therefore, you achieved a score of approximately 89.47%.

If you only scored 17 out of 19 on a quiz or test, it means that you got 17 answers correct out of a total of 19 questions. While this is a good score, there are a couple of ways you can improve in the future:

1. Review your incorrect answers: Go through the questions you got wrong and understand why your answer was incorrect. Identify any mistakes or areas of misunderstanding.

2. Analyze your performance: Consider the types of questions you struggled with the most. Was there a specific topic or concept that tripped you up? Understanding your weak areas will help you prioritize your study efforts in the future.

3. Seek clarification: If there were questions you didn't understand, don't hesitate to ask your teacher or instructor for clarification. Understanding the underlying concepts will make it easier for you to answer similar questions correctly in the future.

4. Practice more: Practice is key to improving your overall performance. Work on similar questions or practice problems to sharpen your skills and reinforce your understanding of the subject matter.

Remember, one quiz or test score does not define your abilities. It's essential to learn from your mistakes, make adjustments, and keep working towards improvement.