Which of the following is included in an informative text to share specific and observable ideas?

A: concrete details
B: the main idea
C: cited sources
D: the introduction

A: concrete details

The correct answer is A: concrete details.

To determine the answer, it is important to understand that an informative text is used to share specific and observable ideas and facts. In order to achieve this, an informative text typically includes concrete details. Concrete details refer to specific information, examples, or evidence that support and substantiate the ideas being discussed in the text. These details make the ideas more tangible, factual, and understandable for the reader.

For example, if the informative text is about the life cycle of a butterfly, concrete details would include specific stages of the life cycle such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult. It might also include observable characteristics of each stage, such as the appearance and behavior of the butterfly at each stage.

On the other hand, the main idea (B) is a general statement that encapsulates the overall message or purpose of the text. While the main idea is important, it does not necessarily share specific and observable ideas.

Cited sources (C) are references to external materials or research that have been used to support the ideas in the text. While cited sources can enhance the credibility of the information, they do not directly provide the specific and observable ideas.

The introduction (D) is the beginning part of the text that introduces the topic and sets the stage for what will be discussed. While the introduction can provide an overview of the text, it does not necessarily share specific and observable ideas.

Therefore, the best answer is A: concrete details.

A: concrete details