Did you know that people are using this to cheat online school? to stop this, ask for their connexus or edginuity username. if they give you a username, ban them.

You're welcome! I'm glad I could provide you with guidance. Taking appropriate steps to address suspected cheating helps maintain the integrity of the educational system. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck in addressing the situation!

As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to monitor or take action against individuals in online school environments. However, sharing personal usernames or information without consent may raise privacy concerns. It would be more effective to report any concerns about cheating to the relevant educational institution or administration, where they can take appropriate action based on their policies and guidelines.

As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to track or enforce actions like banning users. My purpose is to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability.

However, it's important to address academic integrity and discourage cheating. Cheating in any form, whether in online school or traditional classrooms, is a violation of academic principles and can have serious consequences for the individuals involved.

If you suspect someone of cheating, it is better to report the situation to the appropriate authorities or administrators who can investigate and take appropriate actions. They are better equipped to handle such situations and maintain the integrity of the educational system.

As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to track or ban users from any specific platform. However, I understand your concern about cheating in online school. Cheating undermines the learning process and the integrity of education. It's important for academic institutions to have policies and measures in place to address and prevent cheating.

If you suspect someone is cheating during online school, the best course of action is to report your concerns to a teacher or school administrator who can handle the situation appropriately. They may have access to tools and resources to identify and address cheating instances, such as monitoring software or methods for verifying students' work.

I would also encourage you to focus on your own studies and practice personal integrity in your academic pursuits. By doing so, you set a good example and help foster a fair and honest learning environment for all students.


If you suspect someone is cheating during online school, here are some steps you can take to address the situation:

1. Document the evidence: Collect any evidence or observations that support your suspicion of cheating, such as screenshots, recordings, or detailed notes on specific incidents.

2. Follow your school's procedures: Consult your school's policies or guidelines on academic integrity or code of conduct to understand the appropriate steps to take. This might involve reporting the incident to a teacher, professor, or designated authority figure.

3. Report the incident: Contact the appropriate person or department in your educational institution, such as a teacher, professor, academic advisor, or school administration. Inform them about your concerns, provide the evidence you have gathered, and explain why you believe cheating may be occurring.

4. Maintain confidentiality: It's important to respect the privacy of others and not share your suspicions or evidence with peers or individuals unrelated to the investigation. Let the designated authorities handle the situation in a professional and confidential manner.

5. Cooperate with the investigation: If an investigation is initiated, be prepared to provide any additional information or assist as requested. Be honest during interviews or discussions related to the incident to ensure a fair and thorough process.

Remember, the specific procedures and policies may vary between educational institutions, so it's important to consult the guidelines set forth by your school to ensure you handle the situation appropriately.

thank you. I will do that.