Speed, unlike acceleration or velocity, does NOT specify_________ (1 point)

A. Direction
B. Distance
C. Time
D. Mass

D. Mass

B. Distance

To determine which option is the correct answer, let's understand the concept of speed first. Speed is a scalar quantity that measures how quickly an object is moving. It represents the rate at which an object covers a certain distance in a given amount of time.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A. Direction: Speed does not specify direction. Direction is described by velocity, which is a vector quantity that includes speed and direction. Therefore, speed does not indicate the direction of motion.

B. Distance: Speed does specify distance. As mentioned earlier, speed measures the rate at which an object covers a certain distance. It tells us how far an object has traveled over a given period of time.

C. Time: Speed does not specify time. Time is merely the duration it takes for an object to travel a particular distance. Speed is concerned with the rate or ratio of distance to time but does not provide information about the specific time or duration.

D. Mass: Speed does not specify mass. Mass refers to the amount of matter an object contains and is distinct from speed. Speed only measures the rate of motion, not the mass of the object in question.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is D. Mass. Speed does not provide information about the mass of an object.