Question 5 (1 point)

A student wants to show the transfer of heat energy without matter. Which investigation design would best help the student?

an investigation of conduction through the movement of particles through a solid
an investigation of radiation through electromagnetic waves
an investigation of conduction through collisions between particles in space
an investigation of radiation through a current in a fluid


an investigation of radiation through electromagnetic waves

The best investigation design to show the transfer of heat energy without matter would be option b, an investigation of radiation through electromagnetic waves. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy through electromagnetic waves such as infrared radiation. It does not require a medium or matter for the transfer to occur.

To determine the investigation design that best shows the transfer of heat energy without matter, we need to consider the principles of conduction and radiation.

Conduction refers to the transfer of heat energy from one object to another through the movement of particles. This occurs primarily in solids, where particles are closely packed and can easily transfer heat by colliding with neighboring particles.

Radiation, on the other hand, involves the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves. This type of heat transfer can occur in a vacuum or any medium, including solids, liquids, and gases.

Considering these principles, the investigation design that would best show the transfer of heat energy without matter is option b: an investigation of radiation through electromagnetic waves. This investigation could involve studying the transfer of heat energy through the emission and absorption of electromagnetic waves, such as infrared radiation.

By conducting experiments and gathering data related to radiation, the student will be able to observe and demonstrate the transfer of heat energy without the need for physical matter.