Which of the following sentences is a simile?

(1 point)

He is a ray of sunshine.
He is a ray of sunshine.

She is like a ray of sunshine.
She is like a ray of sunshine.

The sun shines its rays on us.
The sun shines its rays on us.

The sun shines on us.

She is like a ray of sunshine.

The sentence "She is like a ray of sunshine." is a simile.

To determine which of the sentences is a simile, we need to understand what a simile is. A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two different things using the words "like" or "as."

With this definition in mind, we can analyze the given sentences:

1. "He is a ray of sunshine." - This sentence is not a simile. It is a metaphor, as it directly equates the person to a ray of sunshine without using "like" or "as."

2. "She is like a ray of sunshine." - This sentence is a simile since it uses the word "like" to compare the person to a ray of sunshine.

3. "The sun shines its rays on us." - This sentence does not contain a simile. It simply describes the action of the sun shining its rays.

4. "The sun shines on us." - This sentence is not a simile. It is a literal statement about the sun shining on us.

Therefore, the sentence "She is like a ray of sunshine" is the simile in the given options.