what was the primary reason for the downfall of the aztec empire

a. internal conflicts
b. disease outbreak
c. military invasion
d. economic collapse

c. military invasion

The primary reason for the downfall of the Aztec Empire was a combination of factors, but the most significant one was the military invasion. The correct answer is option C, military invasion.

The primary reason for the downfall of the Aztec Empire was c. military invasion. To arrive at this answer, historians have studied various factors that contributed to the empire's downfall. Here's an explanation of each option and why military invasion is considered the primary reason:

a. Internal conflicts: While internal conflicts did exist within the Aztec Empire, such as political instability and rivalries among nobles, they alone weren't enough to bring down the empire. These internal issues weakened the empire but did not directly cause its downfall.

b. Disease outbreak: The introduction of diseases like smallpox, brought by the Spanish conquistadors, certainly had a devastating impact on the Aztec Empire and resulted in a great loss of life. However, diseases alone cannot be considered the primary reason. They significantly weakened the population, making the empire more susceptible to conquest but did not lead to an immediate collapse.

c. Military invasion: The arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, marked a turning point in Aztec history. The superior weaponry, military tactics, and alliances formed by the Spanish enabled them to defeat the Aztecs. The Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, was ultimately conquered, leading to the downfall of the empire. The military invasion can be seen as the primary reason because it directly resulted in the empire's defeat.

d. Economic collapse: Another factor that contributed to the downfall of the Aztec Empire was economic collapse. The empire heavily relied on tribute and trade from conquered territories to sustain its economy. However, the disruption caused by warfare and the loss of control over their territories weakened the empire financially. While economic issues played a role, they were more of a consequence rather than the primary reason for the empire's downfall.

In summary, while internal conflicts, disease outbreak, and economic collapse were contributing factors, the primary reason for the downfall of the Aztec Empire was the military invasion led by the Spanish conquistadors.