A major failing of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation was its

A inability to allow the United States to expand.inability to allow the United States to expand.
B inability to regulate commerce among the states.inability to regulate commerce among the states.
C failure to defend Texas from being annexed by Mexico.failure to defend Texas from being annexed by Mexico.
D failure to settle conflicts over the settlement of western lands

B inability to regulate commerce among the states.

D failure to settle conflicts over the settlement of western lands

The correct answer is D: failure to settle conflicts over the settlement of western lands.

To determine the major failing of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation, we need to understand the purpose and limitations of this governing system.

The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government that emphasized state sovereignty. They were in effect from 1781 to 1789, prior to the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.

Under the Articles, the central government had limited powers and lacked the ability to effectively address several critical issues, such as settling conflicts over the settlement of western lands.

To further understand this issue, we can consider the historical context of the time. After the American Revolutionary War, the United States had acquired vast territories to the west, including the Northwest Territory. However, there were disputes and conflicts between states over who had the rights to settle and govern these lands.

One example of such a conflict was the competing land claims between Virginia and other states, which led to the formation of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787. The Articles of Confederation did not provide a clear mechanism for the resolution of such conflicts or a central authority to enforce decisions. As a result, conflicts over western land settlement persisted, leading to inefficiency, confusion, and potential violence.

Therefore, the major failing of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation was its failure to settle conflicts over the settlement of western lands.