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At the Constitutional Convention, the "Three Fifths Compromise" dealt with issues surrounding what issue?
A taxationtaxation
B slaveryslavery
C the militarythe military
D states rights

B slavery

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding what the "Three Fifths Compromise" refers to at the Constitutional Convention. The "Three Fifths Compromise" was an agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in the United States. It dealt with the issue of how enslaved persons would be counted in the population of a state for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives and taxation.

To determine the correct option from the given choices, let's analyze each one:

A) Taxation: While taxation was one aspect of the "Three Fifths Compromise," it was not the central issue addressed by this agreement.

B) Slavery: This option is correct. The "Three Fifths Compromise" specifically dealt with the issue of slavery and how the enslaved population would be counted.

C) The military: The "Three Fifths Compromise" did not directly address the military.

D) States rights: While the issue of states' rights was a significant topic of debate during the Constitutional Convention, it was not the primary focus of the "Three Fifths Compromise."

Therefore, the correct answer is B) slavery. The "Three Fifths Compromise" at the Constitutional Convention dealt with issues surrounding slavery and the representation of enslaved individuals in the population count for taxation and legislative purposes.

The "Three Fifths Compromise" at the Constitutional Convention dealt with issues surrounding slavery. So, the correct answer is B) slavery.