Which of the following was a continuity between Louis XVI’s reign and Napoleon’s?(1 point)


nationalistic feelings
nationalistic feelings

peace and financial stability
peace and financial stability

the use of a ruling class based on titles and granting of land for support
the use of a ruling class based on titles and granting of land for support

the ruler’s desire for a constitution

the use of a ruling class based on titles and granting of land for support

The continuity between Louis XVI's reign and Napoleon's was the use of a ruling class based on titles and granting of land for support.

To determine the continuity between Louis XVI's reign and Napoleon's reign, we will analyze each option:

1) Nationalistic feelings: To understand if nationalistic feelings were a continuity, we need to examine if there was a sense of national identity and pride during both reigns. One way to find this information is by studying primary sources, such as letters, speeches, and newspapers, from the time periods of both Louis XVI and Napoleon. By analyzing these sources, historians can identify and measure the presence and intensity of nationalistic sentiments.

2) Peace and financial stability: To determine if peace and financial stability were a continuity, we can examine historical records concerning the state of the nation during both reigns. This may involve reading historical accounts, analyzing economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and government budgets, and assessing the state of international relations during each period.

3) The use of a ruling class based on titles and granting of land for support: To investigate whether the use of a ruling class based on titles and granting of land for support was a continuity, we can consult primary and secondary sources that discuss the structure of the ruling elite during the reigns of Louis XVI and Napoleon. By examining documents such as laws, decrees, and administrative records, historians can determine the extent to which titles and land grants were utilized as a means of maintaining power and support.

4) The ruler's desire for a constitution: To assess if the ruler's desire for a constitution was a continuity, we will need to study historical speeches, writings, and official documents from both periods. By analyzing the political discourse and actions of Louis XVI and Napoleon, historians can evaluate if both rulers expressed a desire for a constitution and pursued its implementation.

By conducting research using primary and secondary sources, including historical records and scholarly analysis, historians can determine whether each of these options represents a continuity between Louis XVI's reign and Napoleon's reign. Through this process, they can draw conclusions based on the evidence available.