Choose the compound inequality that represents each phrase. All real numbers that are less than –3 or greater than or equal to 5 (1 point) Responses x < –3 or x > 5 x < –3 or x > 5 x < 5 or x > –3 x < 5 or x > –3 x < –3 or x > 5 x < –3 or x > 5 x < –3 or x < 5 x < –3 or x < 5

x < –3 or x ≥ 5

To represent the phrase "All real numbers that are less than –3 or greater than or equal to 5" as a compound inequality, we need to break it down:

- "All real numbers that are less than –3" can be represented as x < –3.
- "or" indicates that we need to combine two conditions.
- "greater than or equal to 5" can be represented as x ≥ 5.

Combining these conditions, we get the compound inequality:

x < –3 or x ≥ 5.

The compound inequality that represents the phrase "All real numbers that are less than –3 or greater than or equal to 5" is: x < –3 or x ≥ 5.