Which of the following is a disadvantage of internal recruitment

Fewer candidates to choose from
a higher-risk hire
Takes far longer
No experience with the company brand

Fewer candidates to choose from

The disadvantage of internal recruitment is that it has fewer candidates to choose from.

The correct answer is "No experience with the company brand." This is a disadvantage of internal recruitment because when hiring externally, organizations have the opportunity to bring in fresh perspectives and new talent that may have experience with different company cultures and brands.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze each option provided and evaluate its relevance to internal recruitment. In this case, "Fewer candidates to choose from" is not a disadvantage of internal recruitment because it typically provides a pool of candidates from within the organization. "A higher-risk hire" is not necessarily a disadvantage because internal candidates are usually familiar with the company's operations and culture, reducing some hiring risks. "Takes far longer" can be a disadvantage, but it is not specific to internal recruitment only, as external hiring processes can also be time-consuming. Therefore, the only remaining option, "No experience with the company brand," aligns with the unique disadvantage of selecting internal candidates.