Which of the following is the term used to describe when a pay range for a job is so small that everyone earns about the same amount, therefore rewards for doing extra are usually uninspiring

Piecework-based compensation system
Wage-rate compensation
Comparable worth
Performance-based compensation system

Comparable worth

The term used to describe when a pay range for a job is so small that everyone earns about the same amount, therefore rewards for doing extra are usually uninspiring is "Comparable worth."

The term used to describe when a pay range for a job is so small that everyone earns about the same amount, therefore rewards for doing extra are usually uninspiring is called "Comparable Worth."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the definitions and concepts behind each of the options mentioned:

1. Piecework-based compensation system: This refers to a payment structure where employees receive payment based on the number of units or pieces they produce. The more they produce, the more they earn. However, it does not necessarily relate to a small pay range where everyone earns the same amount.

2. Wage-rate compensation: This generally refers to a payment structure where employees are paid a fixed rate per hour or per day. While it may contribute to an equal pay structure, it doesn't necessarily imply uninspiring rewards for doing extra.

3. Performance-based compensation system: This type of compensation system is based on an employee's individual performance, typically measured against predetermined goals or objectives. It rewards employees who exceed expectations and achieve exceptional results. While it's directly related to rewarding extra effort, it doesn't describe a small pay range where everyone earns about the same amount.

4. Comparable worth: This concept focuses on the idea that jobs of similar value or importance should receive equal compensation, regardless of gender or any other arbitrary factors. In the context of the question, comparable worth refers to a pay range that is so narrow that it results in everyone earning approximately the same amount. In this case, the rewards for doing extra work are usually uninspiring because the small pay range limits the potential for substantial differentiation in compensation.

After understanding the definitions and concepts associated with each option, you can conclude that the term used to describe a small pay range where everyone earns about the same amount, resulting in uninspiring rewards for doing extra work, is "Comparable Worth."