How do you write 1.4 billion in Milne ES

To write 1.4 billion in Milne-Edwards notation system (Milne ES):

1. Start with the number 1.4 billion.
2. Divide the number by one million to convert it into Milne ES. (1 billion = 1 million million in Milne ES)
3. The result is 1,400 million million in Milne ES.
Alternatively, it can be written as 1.4 × 10^12 in scientific notation.

To write 1.4 billion in scientific notation, you can represent it as 1.4 x 10^9.

To write 1.4 billion in Milne ES (Millions of Earth Seconds), we need to convert billion to millions.

1 billion is equal to 1,000 million.

So, to convert 1.4 billion to millions, we divide 1.4 billion by 1,000:

1.4 billion / 1,000 = 1,400 million.

Therefore, 1.4 billion is equal to 1,400 million in Milne ES.