Which of the following innovations was developed by both the Aztecs and maya

A. The mathematical concept of zero
B. Counting knots called quipu
C: a base 20 number system
D. A 365 day calendar

D. A 365 day calendar

The innovation that was developed by both the Aztecs and Mayans is:

D. A 365 day calendar

To determine which of the following innovations was developed by both the Aztecs and Maya, let's analyze each option and its origins.

A. The mathematical concept of zero:
The concept of zero, also known as a placeholder in the numeral system, was not developed by the Aztecs or Maya. It was actually invented by the ancient Indian mathematicians and later transmitted to other civilizations.

B. Counting knots called quipu:
The practice of using quipu, a system of knotted cords, to record information, was primarily used by the Inca civilization in South America, not by the Aztecs or Maya.

C. A base 20 number system:
The Maya civilization did use a base 20 number system, known as the vigesimal system, which included the use of a symbol for zero. However, the Aztecs used a base 20 system as well, so both civilizations shared this innovation.

D. A 365-day calendar:
Both the Aztecs and Maya developed a highly accurate 365-day calendar. The Maya calendar, known as the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the Aztec calendar, known as the tonalpohualli, were used to track time and important celestial events.

Considering the options provided, the choice that was developed by both the Aztecs and Maya is:
C. A base 20 number system.

To arrive at this answer, we analyzed the historical records and cultural practices of each civilization to determine which innovations were indeed shared by both the Aztecs and Maya.