Match each subject pronoun with the correct verb form


Portes des lunettes, parle au telephone, ecoutons la musique, fait beau, jouez de la guitare

Je parle au téléphone.

Tu portes des lunettes.
Il fait beau.
Nous écoutons la musique.
Vous jouez de la guitare.

Je - parle au téléphone

Tu - portes des lunettes
Il - fait beau
Nous - écoutons la musique
Vous - jouez de la guitare

To match each subject pronoun with the correct verb form, we need to identify the appropriate verb conjugation for each subject pronoun.

Je (I): The verb form should be conjugated in the first person singular (in most cases corresponding to the ending -e, -s, -x, or -is).

Tu (You, singular): The verb form should be conjugated in the second person singular (in most cases corresponding to the ending -es or -is).

Il, Elle, On (He, She, One): The verb form should be conjugated in the third person singular (in most cases corresponding to the ending -e, -t, or -it).

Nous (We): The verb form should be conjugated in the first person plural (in most cases corresponding to the ending -ons or -issons).

Vous (You, plural): The verb form should be conjugated in the second person plural (in most cases corresponding to the ending -ez or -issez).

Now let's match the subject pronouns with the correct verb forms in the provided sentences:

Je porte des lunettes.
Tu parles au téléphone.
Il fait beau.
Nous écoutons de la musique.
Vous jouez de la guitare.