One result of recent migration trends is that the workforce in Europe has become

(1 point)

better educated.
better educated.

less diverse.
less diverse.



better educated.

To determine the result of recent migration trends on the workforce in Europe, we can review the options provided and analyze each one.

1. Better educated: To assess if the workforce in Europe has become better educated due to recent migration trends, we need data on the educational backgrounds of migrants and their impact on the overall education level of the workforce. This information can be obtained from reports or studies conducted by government agencies or research institutions that analyze educational attainment among migrant populations. Additionally, national statistical offices or Eurostat, the official statistical office of the European Union, may provide data on the educational characteristics of the workforce.

2. Less diverse: The diversity of the workforce can be evaluated by examining the demographic characteristics of migrants compared to the native population. This involves gathering data on the nationalities, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and languages represented among both migrants and the local workforce. Again, reports, studies, or statistical data from relevant authorities would be helpful in determining the level of diversity.

3. Younger: To assess if the workforce in Europe has become younger as a result of recent migration trends, we would need to examine the age distribution of the migrant population and compare it to the age distribution of the native workforce. This information can be obtained from studies, reports, or statistical data that provide demographic information on migrants and the local population.

4. Smaller: To determine if the workforce in Europe has become smaller due to recent migration trends, we can look at population growth rates and labor force participation rates. By comparing the population and labor force figures before and after the migration trends, we can identify any changes in size. This data is often available from government statistics or organizations responsible for tracking labor market indicators.

Therefore, to accurately answer which result of recent migration trends has occurred in Europe, we need to access relevant data sources, reports, studies, or statistics that provide insight into the educational levels, diversity, age distribution, and workforce size changes resulting from migration trends in Europe.

One result of recent migration trends in Europe is that the workforce has become better educated.