Reread the first four lines of "Sonnet 18" two or three times out loud.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date

–"Sonnet 18,"
William Shakespeare

Which features of this sonnet will help you memorize it? Check all that apply.

There are ten syllables in each line.
The first four lines repeat.
Every other line rhymes.
Every other line has the same first word.
The four lines are a comparison between a person and the features of summer.

- There are ten syllables in each line.

- Every other line rhymes.
- Every other line has the same first word.
- The four lines are a comparison between a person and the features of summer.

The features of this sonnet that can help with memorization are:

- There are ten syllables in each line.
- Every other line rhymes.
- The four lines are a comparison between a person and the features of summer.

To determine which features of this sonnet will help you memorize it, we need to analyze the given options and see which ones apply:

1. There are ten syllables in each line: This is a characteristic of the sonnet's structure. Sonnets typically have 14 lines, and in this particular sonnet, each line contains exactly 10 syllables. This regularity can aid in memorization.

2. The first four lines repeat: In "Sonnet 18," the first four lines do not repeat. Each line presents a new element or comparison about the person being addressed.

3. Every other line rhymes: This is another structural feature of the sonnet. In "Sonnet 18," the rhyme scheme is ABABCDCDEFEFGG. The rhyming pattern can serve as mnemonic devices to remember the sequence of lines.

4. Every other line has the same first word: In "Sonnet 18," this statement is not true. Each line has a different first word, and none of the lines share a repeated first word.

5. The four lines are a comparison between a person and the features of summer: This statement accurately describes the content of the first four lines. The speaker is contemplating whether to compare the person to a summer's day and proceeds to illustrate how the person outshines the qualities of summer. This comparison can aid in memorizing the poem by understanding the overarching theme.

Therefore, the features that would help you memorize "Sonnet 18" are:
- There are ten syllables in each line.
- Every other line rhymes.
- The four lines are a comparison between a person and the features of summer.

Note that while the first four lines do not repeat, they are still significant in establishing the main theme of the poem.