During the Middle Ages Muslims made many intellectual contributions they built upon the knowledge obtained by previous cultures. Much of Islams scientists advances were based on the scientific knowledge of

A. The Japanese
B. The Mayans
C. The Greeks
D. The mongols

C. The Greeks

C. The Greeks

The correct answer is C. The Greeks.

During the Middle Ages, Muslims made significant intellectual contributions by building upon the knowledge obtained from previous cultures. Many of their scientific advances were based on the scientific knowledge of the ancient Greeks. The Muslims acknowledged and appreciated the contributions made by the Greeks in various fields, such as mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and philosophy.

Muslim scholars translated numerous Greek texts into Arabic, preserving and expanding upon Greek knowledge. They studied the works of influential Greek thinkers like Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates, and Ptolemy. These Greek texts formed the basis for further advancements in various scientific disciplines. For example, Muslim mathematicians greatly expanded on Greek mathematics, developing algebra and making important strides in geometry and trigonometry.

By assimilating Greek knowledge and combining it with their own observations and interpretations, Muslim scholars made significant advancements in various scientific fields during the Middle Ages. This period of intellectual flourishing in the Islamic world is often referred to as the Islamic Golden Age. So, in summary, the scientific knowledge of the Greeks formed the foundation for the Islamic scientists' intellectual contributions during the Middle Ages.