Which of the following fails under equal employment opportunity

not discriminating based on appearances
Not hiring friends and family
hiring an equal equal number of men and women
Treating upper-level employees equally

Not hiring friends and family

The option that fails under equal employment opportunity is "Not hiring friends and family." To explain why, let's break down each option:

1. Not discriminating based on appearances: This aligns with equal employment opportunity. To ensure non-discrimination, employers should focus on an individual's qualifications and abilities rather than their physical appearance.

2. Not hiring friends and family: This option fails under equal employment opportunity because it goes against the principle of fair and unbiased hiring practices. Hiring friends and family can create favoritism and nepotism, which undermines equal opportunities for all candidates.

3. Hiring an equal number of men and women: This option is in line with equal employment opportunity and falls under the concept of workforce diversity and gender equality. It promotes the inclusion of both genders in the workplace and ensures equal opportunities for men and women.

4. Treating upper-level employees equally: Treating upper-level employees equally is another aspect of equal employment opportunity. It means providing equal benefits, opportunities, and fair treatment to employees at all levels within an organization.

To summarize, while the other options align with equal employment opportunity, not hiring friends and family fails to uphold fair and unbiased hiring practices.

Out of the options given, the action that fails under equal employment opportunity is:

- Not hiring friends and family.

Equal employment opportunity requires employers to make job-related decisions based on qualifications and merit rather than personal relationships or preferences. Not hiring friends and family members can be seen as discriminatory because it prioritizes personal connections over fair hiring practices.