A feather in a bowling ball Rh dropped from an equal hot in a vacuum and land at the same time which graph shows the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball as it falls

Since the feather and the bowling ball are dropped from the same height, they will experience the same change in gravitational potential energy (which is converted to kinetic energy as they fall). Therefore, the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball will remain constant throughout the fall since there is no external work done on the system.

Graph (b) would best depict the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball as it falls. It would show a horizontal line at a constant value, representing the constant total mechanical energy of the system.

The total mechanical energy of an object is the sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy.

In the given scenario, both the feather and the bowling ball are dropped from the same height in a vacuum, which means there is no air resistance or other external forces acting on them.

The feather experiences more air resistance compared to the dense bowling ball, causing it to fall slower and reach the ground later. This implies that the feather will have a lower kinetic energy compared to the bowling ball.

On the other hand, since both objects are dropped from the same height, they will have the same potential energy initially. As they fall, their potential energy decreases while their kinetic energy increases.

Considering these factors, the graph showing the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball as it falls would be linear, with the potential energy decreasing and the kinetic energy increasing as they fall. Both the potential and kinetic energy consistently contribute to the total mechanical energy. Therefore, the graph would not show any variations or deviations.

The correct graph would be a linear decrease in potential energy and a linear increase in kinetic energy, resulting in a constant total mechanical energy throughout the fall.

To determine the graph showing the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball as it falls, we need to understand the concept of mechanical energy and its components.

Mechanical energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy. In the case of the falling bowling ball, as there is no air resistance in a vacuum, only gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are involved.

When the ball is at the starting point, it has a maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy as it is stationary. As it falls, potential energy decreases, while kinetic energy increases. At the lowest point of the fall, the ball has a minimum potential energy (zero) and maximum kinetic energy.

Considering this information, the graph that represents the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball as it falls will show two decreasing and increasing curves that are mirrored, where one starts high and ends low, while the other starts low and ends high. These curves will intersect at the halfway point, symbolizing the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy.

In summary, the graph illustrating the total mechanical energy of the bowling ball as it falls will have decreasing and increasing curves that intersect at the halfway point, representing the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy.