How does trial by jury ensure due process for citizens in court?(1 point) Responses It ensures that the accused is given a speedy trial. It ensures that the accused is given a speedy trial. It ensures that members of the public decide the guilt of the accused, not a single judge. It ensures that members of the public decide the guilt of the accused, not a single judge. It ensures that all people have access to legal counsel. It ensures that all people have access to legal counsel. It protects citizens from self-incrimination.

It ensures that members of the public decide the guilt of the accused, not a single judge.

Trial by jury ensures due process for citizens in court by ensuring that members of the public decide the guilt of the accused, not a single judge.

Trial by jury ensures due process for citizens in court by allowing a panel of impartial individuals, known as jurors, to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. Here's how it accomplishes this:

1. Speedy Trial: Trial by jury helps ensure a speedy trial because it requires the proceedings to be carried out efficiently. Delays are minimized as the trial progresses, thereby protecting the accused's right to a timely resolution.

2. Public Decision-Making: Instead of a single judge making the decision, trial by jury ensures that members of the public (the jurors) are the ones who ultimately decide the guilt or innocence of the accused. This helps prevent any potential biases or prejudices that a single individual might bring to the decision-making process.

3. Access to Legal Counsel: Trial by jury also ensures that all individuals have access to legal counsel. This means that the accused is entitled to have a lawyer represent and advise them throughout the trial, helping to ensure a fair and balanced defense.

4. Protection against Self-Incrimination: Trial by jury protects citizens from self-incrimination, which is the right to remain silent so as not to provide evidence against oneself. Defendants cannot be compelled or forced to testify, preserving their right to not potentially incriminate themselves.

Overall, trial by jury serves as a safeguard to ensure due process by promoting fairness, transparency, and accountability in the criminal justice system. It is a vital component of a democratic society, where the involvement of ordinary citizens in determining the fate of the accused upholds the principles of justice.