In which situation might freedom of religion be limited?(1 point) Responses A church holds a meeting on public property with the proper permits. A church holds a meeting on public property with the proper permits. A person breaks a policy of their employer to participate in a religious ceremony. A person breaks a policy of their employer to participate in a religious ceremony. A public school provides meal alternatives for students who do not eat meat for religious reasons. A public school provides meal alternatives for students who do not eat meat for religious reasons. A person takes a personal day from work due to a religious holiday.

A person breaks a policy of their employer to participate in a religious ceremony.

One situation in which freedom of religion might be limited is when a person breaks a policy of their employer to participate in a religious ceremony.

In this scenario, the situation where freedom of religion might be limited is when a person breaks a policy of their employer to participate in a religious ceremony. This is because employers have the right to establish policies and rules within the workplace, and employees are expected to adhere to these policies. If an employer has a policy that prohibits certain actions or absences related to religious practices, then the freedom of religion may be limited for that person in the workplace.