What was Krakauer's likely purpose in writing Into the Wild?

To develop a sense of authority on the subject of risk-takers and adventure-seekers

To allow others to learn through McCandless's story

To encourage the exploration of Alaska and other wild frontiers

To provide an intriguing and mysterious story for the general public

B. To allow others to learn through McCandless's story

B. To allow others to learn through McCandless's story

To determine Krakauer's likely purpose in writing "Into the Wild," one can look for clues within the text or analyze Krakauer's background and intentions. Here are a few steps to help deduce the answer:

1. Read the book: Start by engaging with the text itself. Reading "Into the Wild" will provide firsthand insight into Krakauer's motivations and objectives.

2. Analyze Krakauer's background: Research Krakauer's prior work, interests, and experiences. Consider any common themes or patterns that may reveal his inclinations as an author.

3. Consider the book's content: Assess the major themes and messages presented in "Into the Wild." Reflect on the characterization of Christopher McCandless, the events described in the narrative, and any underlying ideas or lessons Krakauer may be conveying.

4. Review author interviews or statements: Look for interviews, articles, or statements given by Krakauer regarding the book. Authors often discuss their intentions, motivations, and goals for their writing.

By following these steps, one can arrive at a thoughtful analysis. Considering the given answer options, let's evaluate each one:

A. To develop a sense of authority on the subject of risk-takers and adventure-seekers: While Krakauer certainly possesses expertise in the realm of outdoor adventures and risk-taking, it may not be the primary purpose of writing "Into the Wild."

B. To allow others to learn through McCandless's story: This answer option aligns with a common objective of many non-fiction works. Writers often seek to educate and inspire readers by sharing stories and experiences. Learning through McCandless's story is a plausible purpose for Krakauer.

C. To encourage exploration of Alaska and other wild frontiers: Although "Into the Wild" describes McCandless's pursuit of adventure in the Alaskan wilderness, this purpose seems less likely as Krakauer's primary objective. While the book may spark interest in wilderness exploration, it may not be the core purpose.

D. To provide an intriguing and mysterious story for the general public: While "Into the Wild" does offer an intriguing and mysterious story, it is unlikely to be the sole purpose of Krakauer's writing. The book delves deeper into themes of self-discovery, freedom, and society's relationship with nature.

Consider all the gathered information to determine which answer option best aligns with Krakauer's likely purpose in writing "Into the Wild."