To graph a linear equation in the form y=mx+b , identify the slope and the y -intercept. Plot the y -intercept (0,b) . From the y -intercept, apply the slope (riserun) . The rise is the vertical change (up or down), and the run is the horizontal change (right).

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To graph a linear equation (y=mx+b), find the slope and y-intercept. Plot the y-intercept at (0,b). Use the slope to determine the rise and run for the line.

To graph a linear equation, take note of the slope and the y-intercept. Plot the y-intercept at point (0, b). Use the slope to determine the rise (vertical change) and run (horizontal change) from the y-intercept.

To graph a linear equation y = mx + b, follow these steps:

1. Identify the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b).
2. Plot the y-intercept at the point (0, b).
3. Use the slope to determine the rise (vertical change) and the run (horizontal change).