which report would best be organized in chronological order?

a. a report about the ways to prevent wildfires
b. a report that shows how transportation changed over time
c. a report about the benefits of exercise
d. a report that reviews two films about the same story

b. a report that shows how transportation changed over time

The report that would best be organized in chronological order is option b. A report that shows how transportation changed over time. Chronological order means arranging information in the order in which it occurred, so in this case, the report would start with discussing the earliest forms of transportation and then proceed to cover the various changes and advancements that have taken place over time.

The report that would best be organized in chronological order is b. a report that shows how transportation changed over time.

To organize a report in chronological order means arranging the information in the order that events occurred or concepts developed over time. In the case of a report on transportation changes over time, it would make sense to start with the earliest forms of transportation (such as walking, animal-drawn vehicles) and progress to more modern modes (such as bicycles, cars, airplanes, etc.). This chronological ordering would allow the readers to understand the evolution of transportation through time and track the changes that have taken place.

On the other hand, reports about preventing wildfires, benefits of exercise, or film reviews are not inherently chronological in nature. Preventing wildfires can be organized based on different strategies or techniques; benefits of exercise can be structured by focusing on different aspects or categories; and film reviews can be organized by analyzing different elements or themes of the films. These topics don't require a strict chronological order as their main organizing principle.