3 large baking apples (8 servings) for 1 serving ratio

To determine the ratio for 1 serving of 3 large baking apples, you need to divide the total quantity of apples by the number of servings.

Total apples = 3
Total servings = 8

Ratio for 1 serving = Total apples / Total servings
Ratio for 1 serving = 3 / 8

So, the ratio for 1 serving of 3 large baking apples is 3/8.

To find the ratio of 3 large baking apples (8 servings) to 1 serving, you can divide the total number of apples by the total number of servings.

Ratio of large baking apples to servings:
3 apples / 8 servings = 0.375 apples per serving

So, the ratio of 3 large baking apples (8 servings) to 1 serving is approximately 0.375 apples per serving.

To determine the ratio for 1 serving using 3 large baking apples, we need to divide the total number of servings (8) by the number of apples (3).

Ratio = Total servings / Number of apples

In this case, the ratio would be:

Ratio = 8 servings / 3 apples

To simplify the ratio, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by the largest common divisor, which in this case is 1. So the simplified ratio is:

Ratio = 8/3

Therefore, the ratio for 1 serving using 3 large baking apples is 8/3.