3 large baking apples (8 servings) for 1 serving

To determine the amount of baking apples needed for 1 serving, you can use the ratio of 8 servings to 3 baking apples:

1 serving = 3 apples / 8 servings

So, for 1 serving, you would need approximately 0.375 (3/8) of a large baking apple.

To calculate the quantity of large baking apples needed for 1 serving when the recipe is for 8 servings, you will need to divide the total recipe quantity by the number of servings.

So, in this case, divide 3 large baking apples by 8 servings:

3 large baking apples / 8 servings = 0.375 large baking apples per serving.

Since you cannot have a fraction of an apple, you would round it up to the nearest whole number, which means you would need 1 large baking apple for 1 serving.

To determine how many large baking apples are needed for 1 serving, we first need to know the number of servings that one large baking apple can yield.

Let's assume that each large baking apple can provide 2 servings. This means that for 8 servings, we would need 4 large baking apples (8 servings / 2 servings per apple = 4 apples).

To calculate the number of large baking apples needed for 1 serving, we can divide the total number of apples (4) by the total number of servings (8):

Number of apples for 1 serving = Total number of apples / Total number of servings
Number of apples for 1 serving = 4 apples / 8 servings = 0.5 apple

Therefore, you would need approximately 0.5 of a large baking apple for 1 serving.