Put the following events in chronological order. You should put the event that happened earliest first, then work up to the most recent (latest) event.

a. James Oglethrope arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah
b. Georgia become a Royal Colony after the Charter of 1732 ended
c. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia

c. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia

a. James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah
b. Georgia became a Royal Colony after the Charter of 1732 ended

1. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia

2. James Oglethrope arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah
3. Georgia became a Royal Colony after the Charter of 1732 ended

To put these events in chronological order, we need to determine the sequence in which they occurred. Here's how you can find this information:

1. James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia and founded Savannah:
To find the time when James Oglethorpe arrived in Georgia, you can do a quick search on the internet using keywords such as "James Oglethorpe arrival in Georgia" or "founding of Savannah." This should provide you with information about the date or approximate time period when Oglethorpe arrived and founded Savannah.

2. Hernando de Soto explored Georgia:
To determine when Hernando de Soto explored Georgia, you can search for "Hernando de Soto exploration of Georgia" or "de Soto expedition in Georgia." This will provide you with information on the dates or period of his exploration in Georgia.

3. Georgia becomes a Royal Colony after the Charter of 1732 ended:
To find out when Georgia became a Royal Colony following the end of the Charter of 1732, you can look for information by searching "Georgia Royal Colony" or "Charter of 1732 end date." This should bring up resources explaining the transition from a Charter Colony to a Royal Colony and provide the associated date or time frame.

Once you have gathered the relevant information, you can arrange the events in chronological order starting with the earliest event and progressing to the most recent.