
Over which main point did Sunnis and Shias disagree?

(1 point)

the role of women in Muslim society

the role of women in Muslim society

what should be included in the Sharia

what should be included in the Sharia

who should be Muhammad's successor

who should be Muhammad's successor

the role of religion in government

who should be Muhammad's successor

The main point of disagreement between Sunnis and Shias is who should be Muhammad's successor.

The main point over which Sunnis and Shias disagreed is who should be Muhammad's successor. To understand this disagreement, it is important to have some background knowledge about the split between Sunni and Shia sects in Islam.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632, there was a disagreement among his followers about who should lead the Muslim community, known as the caliphate. Sunnis believed that the caliphate should be determined by consensus and chose Abu Bakr, Muhammad's close companion, as the first caliph. They argue that any qualified Muslim can hold the position of caliph, as long as they have the support of the community.

On the other hand, Shias believed that the caliphate should be determined by divine appointment and that it should be someone from the family of Muhammad. They believe that Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, was the rightful successor and that leadership should remain within his bloodline. Shias hold that the twelve imams, descendants of Ali, possess a special spiritual connection and authority.

This disagreement over the succession led to a broader divide between Sunnis and Shias, with differences in religious practices, interpretation of Islamic law (Sharia), and political and social perspectives. While the role of religion in government is indeed one of the areas where Sunnis and Shias differ, the primary point of contention is the issue of succession following the death of Muhammad.