What do the Five Pillars of Islam require Muslims to do five times a day?

(1 point)







give charity

The Five Pillars of Islam require Muslims to pray five times a day.

The Five Pillars of Islam do not require Muslims to feast or fast five times a day. However, one of the Five Pillars of Islam does require Muslims to pray five times a day. Praying five times a day is a significant aspect of Islamic worship and is known as Salah or Salat. In addition to Salah, the other five pillars are Shahada (faith), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), Zakat (giving charity), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).

The Five Pillars of Islam are the five basic acts of worship that Muslims are required to fulfill. One of these pillars is Salah, which means performing the ritual prayers five times a day. These prayers are obligatory for all adult Muslims and are a way to communicate with Allah (God) and seek His guidance and blessings.

To find the answer to your question, you can directly refer to Islamic sources such as the Quran, the primary religious text of Islam, or authentic Hadith, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islamic websites and books that explain the Five Pillars of Islam will also provide the required information.

By researching or consulting these sources, you will learn that Salah is an essential pillar of Islam that Muslims practice five times a day.

Which of the following were common characteristics of Muslim architecture?

(1 point)

adobe construction

adobe construction

windowless buildings

windowless buildings

arches and domes

arches and domes

flat roofs

flat roofs

The common characteristics of Muslim architecture include the use of arches and domes. Additionally, some Muslim architecture may feature flat roofs. However, adobe construction and windowless buildings are not typically associated with Muslim architecture.