Lenny is making his own laundry soap the recipe calls for 2 parts borax

To find out how much borax Lenny needs to make his laundry soap, we need to know the total amount of laundry soap he wants to make.

1. Determine the total amount of laundry soap:
Let's say Lenny wants to make 1 gallon of laundry soap.

2. Calculate the amount of borax needed:
If the recipe calls for 2 parts of borax, it means that for every part of borax, there will be 2 parts of other ingredients.
Since Lenny wants to make 1 gallon of laundry soap, we can break it down into parts. Let's use cups as a unit of measurement and assume 1 cup as one part.

So, for 1 gallon (16 cups) of laundry soap, Lenny would need:
- 8 cups (2 parts) of borax (2 * 4 cups = 8 cups)

Therefore, Lenny would need 8 cups of borax to make 1 gallon of laundry soap based on the recipe.

, 2 parts washing soda, and 1 part grated bar soap. Lenny wants to make 4 cups of laundry soap. How much of each ingredient does he need?

To determine how much of each ingredient Lenny needs, we first need to determine the total number of parts required for the recipe. The recipe calls for 2 parts borax, 2 parts washing soda, and 1 part grated soap, totaling 5 parts.

Next, we calculate how much of each ingredient Lenny needs by dividing the total number of parts required by the number of parts in the recipe:

- Borax: 2 parts / 5 parts = 0.4 parts per cup of soap
- Washing soda: 2 parts / 5 parts = 0.4 parts per cup of soap
- Grated bar soap: 1 part / 5 parts = 0.2 parts per cup of soap

Finally, we multiply the parts per cup by the desired quantity of laundry soap, which is 4 cups:

- Borax: 0.4 parts per cup * 4 cups = 1.6 cups of borax
- Washing soda: 0.4 parts per cup * 4 cups = 1.6 cups of washing soda
- Grated bar soap: 0.2 parts per cup * 4 cups = 0.8 cups of grated bar soap

Therefore, Lenny needs 1.6 cups of borax, 1.6 cups of washing soda, and 0.8 cups of grated bar soap to make 4 cups of laundry soap.

To make Lenny's own laundry soap with the recipe calling for 2 parts borax, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the amount of laundry soap you want to make. Let's assume you want to make 1 cup of laundry soap.

Step 2: Calculate the amount of borax needed. Since the recipe calls for 2 parts borax, you will need 2 parts of the total amount of laundry soap.

- For 1 cup of laundry soap, you need 2 parts of 1 cup, which is 2/1 cups of borax.
- Therefore, you need 2/1 cups of borax, which simplifies to 2 cups of borax.

Step 3: Measure 2 cups of borax.

Step 4: Combine the measured borax with the rest of the ingredients in the laundry soap recipe.

That's it! You have successfully made Lenny's laundry soap using 2 parts of borax.