Which of the following religions is most commonly found having a majority population?(1 point)







To determine which religion is most commonly found having a majority population, you can research the population statistics of each religion. One reliable source for this information is the Pew Research Center. They conduct surveys and provide data on the distribution of religious populations worldwide.

First, let's go through each option and find the most commonly found religion:

1. Sikhism: Sikhism is a religion primarily practiced in Punjab, a state in India, and is also followed by Sikh communities around the world. However, the majority population in India is Hindu, not Sikh. Therefore, Sikhism is not the most commonly found religion in terms of having a majority population.

2. Judaism: Judaism is an ethnoreligious group primarily practiced by Jewish people. While Jewish communities can be found worldwide, the total population of Jews is relatively smaller compared to other major religions. Therefore, Judaism is not the most commonly found religion in terms of having a majority population.

3. Buddhism: Buddhism is a major religion practiced by followers across many Asian countries, such as China, Thailand, Japan, and others. It is estimated to have a significant number of followers worldwide. However, Buddhism does not have a majority population in terms of being the predominant religion in any particular country. Therefore, Buddhism is not the most commonly found religion in terms of having a majority population.

4. Hinduism: Hinduism is the religion primarily practiced in India and Nepal. India is home to the largest Hindu population in the world, comprising the majority of its citizens. Therefore, Hinduism is the most commonly found religion in terms of having a majority population.

In conclusion, out of the options provided, Hinduism is the most commonly found religion having a majority population.

Hinduism is most commonly found having a majority population.