A teacher took an anonymous survey in one class and then posted the students’ heights and weights on a scatterplot. What point is the outlier?


The outlier point on the scatterplot is (61,95).

To identify the outlier in this scatterplot, you will need to understand what an outlier is in the context of data points on a scatterplot. An outlier is a value that significantly deviates from the overall pattern or trend of the data.

Looking at the given points:
(63, 122),
(60, 123),
(64, 125),
(61, 95)

We can see that all the points, except for (61, 95), have heights ranging from 60 to 64 and weights ranging from 122 to 125. The point (61, 95) has a significantly lower weight compared to the other points.

Therefore, the outlier in this scatterplot is the point (61, 95).

To determine which point is the outlier on the scatterplot, we need to compare the heights and weights of the students.

Based on the given points, the outlier point is (61,95).