James Oglethrope recruited the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River. Which reason for colonization, described in the Charter of 1732 is this an example of?

a. Economic
b. Philanthropic
c. Religious
d. Defense

d. Defense

The recruitment of the Highland Scots by James Oglethorpe to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River is an example of the reason for colonization described in the Charter of 1732 as:

d. Defense.

To determine which reason for colonization this example corresponds to, we need to refer to the Charter of 1732. The Charter of 1732 was the document that granted the land for the establishment of the colony of Georgia, outlining its purpose and objectives.

One way to find the answer is to review the primary source document, the original Charter of 1732. The Charter contains the reasoning and objectives for establishing the colony. By analyzing the Charter's text, we can identify the specific reason for colonization that this example falls under.

In this case, it may be challenging to look up the actual Charter text, as it is a historical document. However, we can still follow a logical approach to determine the answer.

We know that James Oglethorpe recruited the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River. To answer the question, we need to consider the motivations behind this action.

Economic colonization focuses on the pursuit of economic gain, such as the establishment of trade routes, extraction of resources, or commercial ventures. Philanthropic colonization involves humanitarian or social motivations, such as providing refuge for marginalized or impoverished groups. Religious colonization centers around spreading a particular faith or religious beliefs. Defense colonization aims to establish a fortified presence in a strategic area for military or security purposes.

Given that James Oglethorpe recruited the Highland Scots to establish a settlement, it is unlikely to be a religious reason as no reference to religious motives was provided. Economic reasons usually involve seeking natural resources or trade opportunities, which are not mentioned here either. Defense colonization seems less likely as well, as there is no mention of a specific need for defense in the question.

Therefore, the most plausible reason for colonization described in the Charter of 1732 that this example aligns with is philanthropic. Philanthropic colonization involves actions driven by humanitarian concerns, such as providing opportunities for groups in need or creating settlements for marginalized populations. Establishing a settlement and recruiting the Highland Scots to the Altamaha River could fall under this category, as it may have been an effort to provide a fresh start or better opportunities for the Highland Scots.

To confirm this answer, it is always recommended to consult the actual Charter of 1732 or reliable historical sources that refer to its contents.