Which event/s had historical implications that

contributed to the storming of the Bastille? (1 point)
the Reign of Terror, as the Revolutionary
government convinced the people through fear to
attack the Bastille
the rise of Napoleon because he wished to attack
the Bastille
Louis XVI tried to run away and hide in the Bastille
the Tennis Court Oath because they were arrested
for their demands

The correct answer is: Louis XVI tried to run away and hide in the Bastille

The event/s that had historical implications contributing to the storming of the Bastille are the Reign of Terror, as the Revolutionary government convinced the people through fear to attack the Bastille, and the Tennis Court Oath, as the individuals involved were arrested for their demands.

The event that had historical implications leading to the storming of the Bastille was the Tennis Court Oath. To understand this, let's break it down step by step:

1. The Tennis Court Oath: This event took place on June 20, 1789, in Versailles, France. The Third Estate, made up of commoners, was locked out of the meeting of the Estates-General (a representative assembly), so they moved to a nearby indoor tennis court. There, they took an oath not to disband until they had established a new constitution.

2. The Arrests: Following the Tennis Court Oath, the revolutionary movement gained momentum and the National Assembly was formed as a result. However, tensions between the revolutionaries and the monarchy still remained. King Louis XVI did not fully accept the radical reforms proposed by the National Assembly and, to protect himself, relied on his Swiss and German guards stationed in the Bastille prison-fortress in Paris.

3. The Storming of the Bastille: On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris, who were frustrated with the King and the oppressive regime, stormed the Bastille prison-fortress. The Bastille was a symbol of royal authority and represented the abuses of the monarchy. The storming of the Bastille was a pivotal event that escalated the French Revolution and demonstrated the power of the people against the monarchy.

In summary, the Tennis Court Oath, where the revolutionaries pledged to create a new constitution, showed the determination of the people for change. The storming of the Bastille was a consequence of the growing dissatisfaction towards the monarchy, and the Bastille became a target as a symbol of royal authority and oppression.