How was the French and Indian War a cause of the

American Revolution? (1 point)
The French and Indian War led to the Proclamation
of 1763, which was the final frustration that started
the revolution.
The French and Indian War created debts that the
British tried to pay by taxing the colonists.
The French and Indian War led to the British
passing the Intolerable Acts to assert authority over
the colonists.
The French and Indian War led to the British
creating the Quartering Act, allowing soldiers into
colonists’ homes.

The correct answer is: The French and Indian War created debts that the British tried to pay by taxing the colonists.

The correct answer is: The French and Indian War created debts that the British tried to pay by taxing the colonists.

The French and Indian War had a significant impact on the causes of the American Revolution. The correct answer is "The French and Indian War created debts that the British tried to pay by taxing the colonists." This is because the war between the British and French in the colonies left Britain with enormous debts. To pay off these debts, the British government decided to impose various taxes on the American colonists, which ultimately led to widespread resentment and opposition.

To arrive at this answer, you can consider the historical context. The French and Indian War took place between 1754 and 1763, with the British and their American colonists fighting against the French and their Native American allies. The British victory in this war expanded their territorial control in North America but also left them with significant debts. In order to alleviate these debts, the British government began implementing a series of taxes and policies on the American colonies, which they believed should bear a portion of the burden.

One of the most notable acts was the Stamp Act of 1765, which imposed a tax on printed materials in the colonies. This was followed by other acts like the Sugar Act and the Townshend Acts, which levied taxes on imported goods. These taxation measures, along with other policies that restricted the colonists' economic and political freedoms, sparked widespread protests and resistance among the colonists.

The resentment against British taxation without representation and the erosion of their rights eventually led to the American Revolution, as the colonists sought to break away from British rule and establish an independent nation. So, the French and Indian War indirectly contributed to the causes of the American Revolution by creating financial pressures that forced the British to impose taxes on the colonists, leading to increased tensions and eventually armed conflict.