Mr. Imani wants to purchase paper and notebooks for his classroom. At Dollar Discount he can buy packs of paper, p. for $1.25 each and notebooks, n, for $2.50 each. This is modeled by 1.25p + 2.5n Evaluate for p = 10 and n = 30 to find how much it will cost Mr. Imani to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks. (1 point)

To find the cost for 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, plug in p = 10 and n = 30 into the expression 1.25p + 2.5n.

1.25p + 2.5n = 1.25(10) + 2.5(30)
= 12.5 + 75
= $87.5

Hence, it will cost Mr. Imani $87.5 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks.

To evaluate the expression 1.25p + 2.5n for p = 10 and n = 30, you simply substitute the given values into the expression and then perform the calculations.

Let's start by substituting p = 10 and n = 30 into the expression:

1.25(10) + 2.5(30)

Now, we can calculate the expression:

= 12.50 + 75

= 87.50

Therefore, it will cost Mr. Imani $87.50 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks.

To find out how much it will cost Mr. Imani to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, we need to substitute the given values of p and n into the equation 1.25p + 2.5n.

p = 10
n = 30

Substituting these values into the equation:
1.25(10) + 2.5(30)

Now, let's solve the equation step-by-step:

1.25(10) + 2.5(30)
= 12.5 + 75
= 87.5

Therefore, it will cost Mr. Imani $87.50 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks.