Which statement is an example of a good piece of evidence?(1 point)


I believe our local football team is the best.
I believe our local football team is the best.

In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering.
In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering.

My family owns a dog.
My family owns a dog.

Yellow is a calming color.

In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering.

The statement "In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering" is an example of a good piece of evidence.

The statement "In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering" is an example of a good piece of evidence. To determine this, it is important to consider a few criteria for good evidence.

First, good evidence should be objective rather than subjective. Subjective statements, such as "I believe our local football team is the best," are based on personal opinions and can vary from person to person. On the other hand, objective statements, such as the one from the study mentioned above, provide concrete and verifiable information.

Second, good evidence should be supported by reliable sources. In the given statement, the evidence comes from a recent study, which implies that it is based on research conducted by a credible source. This lends more weight to the evidence and makes it more reliable.

Finally, good evidence should be specific and relevant to the claim being made. The statement about the percentage of students who enjoy volunteering directly addresses the claim being made about student preferences. This specificity and relevance make the evidence more persuasive in supporting the claim.

Therefore, the statement "In a recent study, only 12% of students enjoy volunteering" is a good example of a piece of evidence as it meets the criteria of objectivity, reliability, and relevance.