Use the equation to answer the question.

238 92U→234 90N+42He

Which type of radioactive decay does the equation model?

(1 point)

beta-minus decay
beta-minus decay

alpha decay
alpha decay

gamma decay
gamma decay

beta-plus decay

alpha decay

The equation 238 92U → 234 90N + 42He represents alpha decay.

To determine which type of radioactive decay the given equation models, we need to analyze the change in atomic numbers and mass numbers of the elements involved.

In this equation, 238 U (uranium) decays into 234 N (neptunium) and 42 He (helium). The atomic number is represented as the subscript and the mass number is represented as the superscript.

In alpha decay, the atomic number decreases by 2 and the mass number decreases by 4, which results in the emission of an alpha particle (a helium nucleus).

By comparing the atomic numbers and mass numbers in the equation, we can see that the atomic number decreases by 2 from 92 to 90, and the mass number decreases by 4 from 238 to 234. This corresponds to the characteristics of alpha decay.

Therefore, the equation models alpha decay.