solve. round your answer to the nearest tenth.


what is the smaller answer?

what is the larger answer?

Taking the square root of both sides of the equation, we find:

z = ±√22.09

Calculating the square root of 22.09, we get:

z ≈ ±4.7

To find the smaller answer, we take the negative value:

Smaller answer: z ≈ -4.7

To find the larger answer, we take the positive value:

Larger answer: z ≈ 4.7

To solve the equation z^2 = 22.09, first, take the square root of both sides of the equation:

√(z^2) = √(22.09)

This gives us two solutions, the positive and negative square roots:

z = ±√(22.09)

Calculating the positive square root:

z = √(22.09) = 4.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Calculating the negative square root:

z = -√(22.09) = -4.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

So, the smaller answer is -4.7 and the larger answer is 4.7.

To solve the equation z^2 = 22.09 and find the values of z, we need to take the square root of both sides of the equation.

√(z^2) = √(22.09)

This simplifies to:

|z| = √(22.09)

Now, let's find the square root of 22.09:

√22.09 ≈ 4.69694

Since we only need to round our answer to the nearest tenth, the square root of 22.09 can be approximated as 4.7.

Now, we have two possible values for z: +4.7 and -4.7. However, since the question is asking for the smaller and larger answer, we also need to determine the sign of z.

The smaller answer is -4.7, and the larger answer is +4.7.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation z^2 = 22.09 are approximately -4.7 and +4.7, respectively.

one angle of a triangle is 27 degrees. how many degrees must one of the other angles be for the pythagorean theorem to be true for the triangle?

the smaller missing angle is?

To determine the angle that must be present in order for the Pythagorean theorem to be true in a triangle with one angle of 27 degrees, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Let the other angle be x. Then we have:

27 + x + 90 = 180

Rearranging the equation:

x + 117 = 180

Subtracting 117 from both sides:

x = 63

Therefore, the other angle must be 63 degrees for the Pythagorean theorem to be true in the triangle.

As for the smaller missing angle, it is the one opposite the side that is not part of the right triangle. Since the right angle measures 90 degrees, the smaller missing angle is 27 degrees.