town name is salt lake city the longitude/latitude is 40.7608 N and 11.8910 w the altitude is 1288 measured in meters the distance from the nearest ocean is 956 the population is 197,756 the water acidity is 7.6 and the air quality is 20

Predict the boiling point of water in Salt Lake City (SLC), given the following data:

To predict the boiling point of water in Salt Lake City (SLC), we need to know the atmospheric pressure as well. The boiling point of water varies with changes in atmospheric pressure.

Generally, at sea level, where the atmospheric pressure is around 101.3 kilopascals (kPa) or 1 atmosphere (atm), water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). However, as the altitude increases above sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases, resulting in a lower boiling point for water.

Since the altitude of Salt Lake City is provided as 1288 meters, we can approximate the boiling point using a rule of thumb that every 150 meters increase in altitude reduces the boiling point by approximately 0.5 degrees Celsius.

Calculating the adjustment for Salt Lake City:
Altitude adjustment = (altitude in meters / 150) * 0.5

Altitude adjustment = (1288 / 150) * 0.5
Altitude adjustment ≈ 8.59 degrees Celsius (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Therefore, we can predict the boiling point of water in Salt Lake City by subtracting the altitude adjustment from the boiling point at sea level:

Boiling point in Salt Lake City ≈ 100 - 8.59 ≈ 91.41 degrees Celsius

Please note that this is an estimate and the actual boiling point may vary slightly depending on other atmospheric factors present at the specific location.

To predict the boiling point of water in Salt Lake City (SLC), we need to consider the altitude of the city. The boiling point of water decreases as altitude increases due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure.

Given that the altitude of SLC is 1288 meters, we can use the following approximation to estimate the boiling point:

For every rise of 150 meters in altitude, the boiling point of water decreases by approximately 0.5 degrees Celsius.

To calculate the adjustment for SLC, divide the altitude by 150 and then multiply the result by 0.5:

1288 meters / 150 meters = 8.5867
8.5867 * 0.5 = 4.29335

So, the boiling point of water in SLC would be approximately 4.3 degrees Celsius lower than the standard boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.

To estimate the boiling point in SLC, subtract 4.3 degrees Celsius from the standard boiling point of water:

100 degrees Celsius - 4.3 degrees Celsius = 95.7 degrees Celsius

Therefore, the predicted boiling point of water in Salt Lake City (SLC) is approximately 95.7 degrees Celsius. Please note that this is an estimation based on the altitude, and other factors like atmospheric pressure may also affect the actual boiling point.

To predict the boiling point of water in Salt Lake City (SLC), we can utilize the altitude information provided. Here's how you can estimate it step-by-step:

Step 1: Determine the altitude in feet
The provided altitude is measured in meters, but we need it in feet for calculations. Since 1 meter is approximately equal to 3.281 feet, we can convert the altitude of 1288 meters to feet by multiplying it by 3.281:
1288 meters * 3.281 feet/meter = 4226.808 feet

Step 2: Adjust the boiling point for altitude
For every 500 feet increase in altitude, the boiling point of water decreases by approximately 1°F. To adjust for the altitude of Salt Lake City:

4226.808 feet / 500 feet = 8.4536

This means that the altitude of SLC is roughly 8.4536 increments of 500 feet.

Step 3: Subtract the adjustment from the standard boiling point
The standard boiling point of water at sea level is 212°F. Since each increment of 500 feet reduces the boiling point by around 1°F, we can subtract the adjustment from the standard boiling point:
212°F - 8.4536 increments * 1°F/increment = 212°F - 8.4536°F = 203.5464°F

Therefore, the predicted boiling point of water in Salt Lake City (SLC) is approximately 203.55°F.