After selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas, what is the next step in writing an informational text?(1 point)


writing an introduction
writing an introduction

creating an outline
creating an outline

writing body paragraphs
writing body paragraphs

choosing a good title

creating an outline

The next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is creating an outline.

The next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is to create an outline.

Creating an outline helps you organize your thoughts and structure your writing. It serves as a roadmap for your entire text, guiding you on what information to include and in what order. An outline typically consists of headings and subheadings that represent the main ideas and supporting details you plan to include in your text.

By creating an outline, you can ensure that your text flows logically and coherently. It also helps you identify any gaps or areas where more research may be needed. Once you have a solid outline, you can then move on to writing the introduction and body paragraphs, using your outline as a guide. Choosing a good title usually comes at the end, once you have completed the writing process.