Which of the following would be considered a part of a culture’s folklore?(1 point)


the selling of camel or goat milk
the selling of camel or goat milk

the culture’s contribution to the country’s GDP
the culture’s contribution to the country’s GDP

subsistence farming
subsistence farming

meles, oli, and hula

meles, oli, and hula

Meles, oli, and hula would be considered a part of a culture's folklore.

To determine which of the options would be considered a part of a culture's folklore, it is important to understand the definition of folklore. Folklore refers to the traditional beliefs, customs, stories, and practices of a community or culture, typically passed down through generations by word of mouth. It often includes elements such as myths, legends, folktales, songs, dances, rituals, and traditional arts.

Looking at the options provided:

1. The selling of camel or goat milk: This does not fit into the definition of folklore. While it might be a part of the culture's daily life or economy, it does not represent the traditional beliefs, customs, or stories of the community.

2. The culture's contribution to the country's GDP: This is related to the economic aspect of the culture and has no direct correlation with folklore. GDP refers to the monetary value of all goods and services produced by a country in a given period.

3. Subsistence farming: This could potentially be connected to folklore, especially if there are traditional farming practices, beliefs, or stories associated with it. It would depend on the specific cultural context and how deeply ingrained farming traditions are in the community.

4. Meles, oli, and hula: These terms seem to refer to forms of cultural expression. Meles may refer to traditional Ethiopian poetry, oli to Hawaiian chant, and hula to a traditional Hawaiian dance. These forms of artistic expression are often deeply rooted in folklore and can reflect the cultural values, beliefs, and history of a community.

Based on the explanation above, the option "meles, oli, and hula" would be considered a part of a culture's folklore.