What is a similarity between the first-quarter moon and the third-quarter moon? (1 point)


The moon is always waxing in both phases.
The moon is always waxing in both phases.

The moon is located between Earth and the sun.
The moon is located between Earth and the sun.

The moon is located perpendicular to Earth and the sun.
The moon is located perpendicular to Earth and the sun.

The moon is always waning in both phases.

The moon is always waning in both phases.

The moon is always waning in both phases.

To determine the similarity between the first-quarter moon and the third-quarter moon, we can analyze the given options.

1. "The moon is always waxing in both phases." - This option is incorrect. The first-quarter moon is waxing (increasing in illumination), while the third-quarter moon is waning (decreasing in illumination).

2. "The moon is located between Earth and the sun." - This option is correct. Both the first-quarter and third-quarter moons are positioned between the Earth and the sun. In the first-quarter moon phase, the moon is on the side of Earth opposite to the sun, while in the third-quarter moon phase, the moon is on the side of Earth facing away from the sun.

3. "The moon is located perpendicular to Earth and the sun." - This option is incorrect. The moon's position during the first and third-quarter phases is not perpendicular to Earth and the sun. Instead, it forms a right angle with the Earth and the sun.

4. "The moon is always waning in both phases." - This option is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, the first-quarter moon is waxing, while the third-quarter moon is waning.

Therefore, the correct similarity between the first-quarter moon and the third-quarter moon is that both phases occur with the moon located between Earth and the sun.