Which of the following describes an economic push factor?(1 point)


land ownership



brain drain


Out of the options provided, the economic push factor is hyperinflation.

To determine which of the following describes an economic push factor, we need to understand what each option means and then analyze which option fits the definition of an economic push factor.

1. Land ownership: Land ownership refers to the legal right to own and control land. While land ownership can have economic implications, it does not directly represent an economic push factor. Economic push factors typically relate to negative economic conditions or circumstances that motivate individuals or groups to leave a particular area for economic reasons.

2. Hyperinflation: Hyperinflation refers to a rapid and excessive increase in the general price level of goods and services within an economy. This can lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of money and negatively impact individuals' economic opportunities and financial stability. Hyperinflation can discourage investment, lower living standards, and ultimately become an economic push factor that motivates people to leave in search of better economic conditions.

3. Remittances: Remittances are money or goods sent by individuals living and working in one country to their home country. While remittances are an important aspect of international financial flows and can have economic implications for both the sender and receiver, they do not directly represent an economic push factor. Remittances are typically the result of migration and can often be a way for individuals to provide economic support to their families in their home country.

4. Brain drain: Brain drain refers to the emigration or outflow of highly skilled or educated individuals from a country or region. It is a push factor in the sense that the loss of talented individuals can have negative economic consequences, such as a shortage of skilled workers, reduced innovation, and a drain on human capital. Brain drain can occur due to limited economic opportunities, lack of investment in education, or political instability in a particular region.

Based on the explanations above, the option that best fits the definition of an economic push factor is hyperinflation. Hyperinflation can directly affect people's economic opportunities, living standards, and financial stability, making it a significant reason for individuals to leave in search of better economic conditions.