The author develops the main idea of the article in each of the following ways EXCEPT:

by comparing processed meats to other dangerous practices that cause cancer

by describing the factors that make processed meat and red meat dangerous

by including quotes from professionals about the results of the WHO report

by explaining how much processed meat is safe to eat per day


The author develops the main idea of the article in every way except D.

To determine the correct answer, we need to examine each option and identify how the author develops the main idea of the article in that particular way.

A) By comparing processed meats to other dangerous practices that cause cancer: The author develops the main idea by drawing comparisons between the risks associated with processed meat consumption and those associated with other cancer-causing practices.

B) By describing the factors that make processed meat and red meat dangerous: The author develops the main idea by providing an explanation of the various factors that contribute to the potential dangers of consuming processed meat and red meat.

C) By including quotes from professionals about the results of the WHO report: The author develops the main idea by incorporating direct quotes from professionals regarding the findings and conclusions presented in the WHO report.

D) By explaining how much processed meat is safe to eat per day: The author develops the main idea by providing guidance on the recommended daily intake of processed meat to maintain health and minimize potential risks.

Now we need to identify the option that does NOT describe how the author develops the main idea of the article.

The option that does not fit is D) by explaining how much processed meat is safe to consume per day. None of the other options are excluded because they all demonstrate different ways the author supports and develops the main idea.